Grand Tetons

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Just a little shout out to my home state.  I say this the other day, and thought it was pretty funny.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fake......who do they think they are fooling ???

I am going off of my usual platform for a post to vent a little.  So bear with me on this one.  If there is one thing that I cannot stand....It is people who are fake.  I mean we all have our own faults, but this just drives me insane.  I know a few people who fit this profile, but there is one in particular who drives me insane.  This person will not be known by anybody but my wife who reads this blog.  I was in close contact with this person for about a year, but the more I got to know this person.....the more I realized that I wanted to distance myself from them.  At first this person came off as a super good person.  Seemed to be a good parent, donated time and money to causes, acted like they were your friend.  This person also has an online platform....and brags about these things.  Does this not take the merrit out of doing good things ???  Is a person geniunely a good person, and have good intentions if they have to seek recognition for doing them ???  I don't think so.  A good person does things only for the satisfaction of making themselves feel good.....and more importantly the person/people that they are helping.
I consider myself to be really good at reading people.  This is both a blessing and a curse.  My wife noticed this and pointed it out shortly after we were married.  I can almost always tell when somebody I know has something going on.
Anyways, back to the venting.  I slowly started seeing signs of the major faults that this person had.  I tried to look past them, but when a person is not a good person....they are just not a good person.  I also have never met a person who is more bi-polar in my life.  You would never know if you were getting Dr. Jekyl...or Mr. Hyde.  One day seeing them it would be a big smile, talk your ear off...and they were your best friend.  The next it would be "Man what did I ever do wrong."  I mean....don't get me wrong, we all have our good days and bad days, but not like this person.  I am not the first person to notice this either.  I have spoken with multiple other people who noticed the drastic mood changes, and have also distanced themselves from this person.  Bottom line is....Surround yourself with good will make your life SO much better.  Poisoneous people are not good to be around.  The person that you are on Sunday should be the same person that you are on Mon,Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat.  When you are changing those people that are close to you on a monthly/weekly basis....this should tell you that you are doing something wrong.
Surround yourself with people who are good.  Life is too short.

Thanks for letting me vent.  Next, I promise to get back to the things that help me enjoy life....The Great Outdoors !!!!!

Pink Guns and Red Heads

Well, if you read one of my last few post you will remember how my wife went shooting and had an awesome time.  I had also said that she has had her eye on a pink gun.  Well, I stopped in and bought her the gun a couple of weeks ago.  It was so hard keeping it a secret.  It was so funny, because she kept saying things like "Do you think I could get that pink gun sometime." also "I wish we would have bought it that day we saw it.  So on her birthday, I gave it to her.  She was beyond excited.  She even got teary eyed.........Who needs diamonds when you have a Pink Mossber Model 702 .22 caliber rifle.  Her mom was nice enough to watch our kids so that we could go out and let her shoot it.  It was a blast, and it is so fun having something fun that we can do together as a couple.  Here is a picture and a VIDEO   from our night.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hiking Horton Creek.

    I just got called to be in a position in my church where I am a leader with the 12-13 year old scouts.  I have really enjoyed it so far.  My first campout with them was last weekend.  We camped near Tonto creek.  The next morning we got up bright and early, and hiked The Horton Springs trail.  It is about a 4 mile hike one way, and BEAUTIFUL in the spring time.  Here are a few pictures from the trip.
 The Trailhead
 Little water fall
 A deep pool in the creek.  The scouts actually went swimming in this. This is some super cold water too.  Crazy kids !!!

One of the fearless leaders.....Me :)
A view from the top of the hill of the pool.

I had not been hiking in a few years, and this made me realize how much I missed it.  There is not much better than getting out in the woods and getting out where there are no motorized vehicles or noise.  I hope to do more hiking in the near future.

Shooting with my wife......I've created a monster !!!

    We have had an awesome spring so far this year.  Typically, it is very windy every spring but not this year.  My wife and I were planning our date night, and going through the usual ideas: movies, dinner, etc.  I told her that I really wanted to do something to take advantage of this warm weather.  I mentioned shooting, and my wife thought it sounded like fun.  I have taken her shooting one other time, but it was on a cold miserable day and she didn't fully get to enjoy it.
    This time could not have been a more perfect night.  There was no wind, and it was sunny and about 75 degrees.  Beautiful Night !!! We had so much fun, and my wife kept wanting to shoot, and shoot.  She actually found a pink camo .22 caliber rifle that she is eyeing.  She keeps asking me when we can go again.  Anyways here are some pictures of our fun night.
Here she is going at it.
Her first group.....not to bad...but wait until you see the next group.....................
That's right folks.  That is 15 only looks like 6 or 7, but she put a few shots in the same hole.  What a woman.......Remind me not to piss her off :)
There is my Red Head with her Red Head Gun I might need to get her a pink gun to put in it. 

I also had a little surprise for my wife when we were shooting. CLICK HERE to see the video.  Very cool target.  The video did not do this justice.

Pineapple Upside down Cake

This year for Easter, I decided to make a pineapple upside down cake.  This is always a big hit, and probably one of my favorites.  For some reason, I always have one pineapple stick on the bottom of the Dutch oven.  It doesn't matter if I use more butter, or less heat on bottom....who knows.  Anyways here is a picture of it cooking.

And here is a picture of the final product. Want a peice ???

I am excited for this warm weather, and plan on making alot of Dutch Oven meals this summer.