Grand Tetons

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hiking Horton Creek.

    I just got called to be in a position in my church where I am a leader with the 12-13 year old scouts.  I have really enjoyed it so far.  My first campout with them was last weekend.  We camped near Tonto creek.  The next morning we got up bright and early, and hiked The Horton Springs trail.  It is about a 4 mile hike one way, and BEAUTIFUL in the spring time.  Here are a few pictures from the trip.
 The Trailhead
 Little water fall
 A deep pool in the creek.  The scouts actually went swimming in this. This is some super cold water too.  Crazy kids !!!

One of the fearless leaders.....Me :)
A view from the top of the hill of the pool.

I had not been hiking in a few years, and this made me realize how much I missed it.  There is not much better than getting out in the woods and getting out where there are no motorized vehicles or noise.  I hope to do more hiking in the near future.

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